assumption is disordered thinking?

The strings I assumed were there made me bleed

I bled into everything


Or so it seems

Perception is everything

I use to think that everyone was trying to deceive me if they were

Trying to get into my sheets

To be with me romantically

Always an angle

Of ego


Carnal shit

Little conniving men

I only trusted women

I only trusted nice guys

The webs I wove of string after string

Trying to stay ahead

It’s exhausting

All consuming

My hands were always cut up blistered and bruised

Gushing with heart beats I felt in my ring finger


So consumed

Honestly [insert assholes name here]

Fuck you

For teaching me that the only way to keep someone

Was to manipulate them

The way they manipulated you

Did I learn it from you?

I Blame you for many toxic connections… but it turns out

I was hurt and I looked for release

In the wrong places

By men that didn’t like me

Just what my face stood for

I hate that

I hate that I know some people think like that

I hate that I find so many people think



A dirty word

I use for heartbrraking atrocities of


I hate it

I hate him

I hate myself

Because I wasn’t able to love the one I wanted to marry

properly because of him? maybe


I don’t want to live in La La Land

I want a happy ending

I want

To remember what his real presence is like laying in the grass sometimes

Not just remember his smell

And how I love him

Not just remember the love I have for him

But to finally feel his love for me

I feel like I keep picking up the pieces

And realizing

That I already dropped them

When I was psychotic

How do I recover from psychosis when I let all the pieces drop

I forgot


Why I loved him

I convinced myself entirely

That I had to love me more

And to do that

Was to leave

How can I ever… trust


Or is that just another web I weave?

Is that just a misconception of everything?!?!?

I’m losing reasons to be away from him

And I just wish he was here reading this tonight

Holding my clammy body telling me to stop typing that he is here and that it’s okay

How do I let thoughts of him just leave my brain

How do I let the ti-

How do I let go

It seems almost impossible


Like a monkey carving a Christmas tree

I just want to feel free

And open to change

To loving again in a different way

To doing it right and

Not so jaded and fucked up

By that random fucking guy

THAT guy was supposed to be a hookup

THAT guy was only with me because another hookup told me to give him a chance

THAT guy screwed it all up for me

And that guy?

Thinks I’m the villain and that’s the only way he can seem to let himself be able to breathe.


I don’t know who’s right or wrong anymore

I just want to stop hurting

Over the same topics and themes and constantly reliving

The simple fact that I am a hurt person that keeps hurting not only me

But everyone around me


I was in a happy relationship

So happy I didn’t know how to comprehend it

And he left me


And over

And over again.

The story repeats once again. Atleast I can see the pattern of them.

He chose to let me make my own way to the hospital bed


I want to ask how dare, how could, how would

But honestly just how

I’m a really great person

I know this now

I love myself

At least a little more now

So thanks for helping me see that

My first real heartbreak with someone I loved

Was harder than…



Music is Delicious


to rehabilitate