work in sound Design

Let’s get the basics out of the way

Multi-genre jazz vocalist, roots in 4 continents.

  1. Sydney, Australia

  2. Barcelona, Spain

  3. Montevideo, Uruguay

  4. Los Angeles, California

Here linked below are some samples


Lola’s Soundcloud website includes many improvisational works that are mixed, mastered, and produced by Lola, not intended to gain any traction but a passion project of sorts to express herself. Recently additions of poetry have been included as Lola believes many languages have an innate ryhthmic musical quality, as she speaks many languages.

Below are 2 Distributed songs with an independent label within the genres of EDM and singer-songwriter, produced with Arya the 5th



For producers:

  • Logic

  • Comfortable with any DAW

For Musicians

  • Theory fluency

  • Prefers tabs (for jamming)

Complex music?

Lola runs and sometimes hosts or co-hosts a podcast about all the other things, topics, and ideas that is curious about. The audience is small but the content involved of high quality and designed intentionally by Lola to be a high production value.

At it’s peak, a weekly variety show on topics Lola wants to discuss, including prompts from the audience. Since then many have been taken down, due to podcast management taking a new direction, however five remain uploaded. And the podcast is planning on starting up again soon this summer!

Curiosity Chitchats