How do i work the website?

The website was designed by a team of artists. (The brand of Lola) to be organized by category. So there is a menu at the top left that either you can select as three lines (as viewed on a mobile/ipad device) or listed as words on the website version.

Words hold a lot of weight to Lola, so here at the company we try to uphold these values within the design as requested by our project manager. (Lola herself)

How do I purchase an art piece?

Currently you can contact to receive art, print, physical pieces, or zines through the contact page as well as contact Lola directly.

Once store is updated:

There will be a store section to the menu at the top left, and you will see a cart on the top right of your screen if you have any items you wish to purchase. Your payment will keep Lola able to do her work, and give you the official ownership of a piece of work from Lola. (Including shipping and handling)

What if i don’t want to purchase anything?

The website, the blogs, the writings, poetry, resources, and access to contacting Lola thru her management is free to the public, and all rights to her projects are under management internally. Please cite or source when creations or ideas of Lola’s have been used.

How do I properly give credit to Lola?

There are many ways to cite, or source a creator!

Please always use the creators FULL name Lola Marquez.

We are so glad you are conscientious about citing Lola.

In MLA formatting:

Marquez, Lola. “Title of Piece Here” Title of the part of the website you are citing from. (i.e Blog or Writing) Version # (insert version if stated in piece by number), Squarespace, (Publication date here, date month year). Accessed (insert date then month then year), thework.live

In APA formatting:

In text

(Marquez 2024)

Please use correct year of publication.

Within a citation format example

Marquez, L. (2024, March 23). “Anti transactional love”, Lola (website name) thework.live

On social media:

  • Preferred social media accounts to source from is the Instagram @lolaslovework

For an art exhibition or museum label guidelines it will ALWAYS need to be discussed directly with Lola within the context of an exhibition.

If making a label seems daunting here is a simple guide Lola uses:

  • Artist’s name

  • Nationality, birth year

  • Title of the artwork (in bold or italic), and the year created.

  • Medium used to create (ex: paint on canvas)

  • Brief description (Information about the more abstract angle/perspective chosen, why they created the piece, how they created the piece, etc.)

Is this piece about me?

Most likely not, the poetry and artwork released within this portfolio has been curated over many years and their context has changed many times. Most artists, even the most popular never release music to share personal stories, they are typically curated stories that major representatives of media approve of.

Lola doesn’t feel the need to do the same thing in the same extent. Many themes do come from real experiences because that’s the best teacher in her opinion. The most recent work is given priority, however all characters written about are tools of fiction used to get across larger topics that embrace community healing, self expression, and Lola’s perspective.