I want to heal with you dammit!

Google says

The definition of want

Is to desire something

Or to desire to possess something

I don’t want either

I desire love

Not a thing or something tangible

So I guess I don’t desire you

You ran out of that

My bad (but also yours too)


Why do I still think of you?

Why is every poem

Co-authored and co-produced

By the entire thought of you

Everything is

Cobo coded

like music only meant for you

My life feels

Cobo coded

Since I discovered what

Real love is

Thru you

Did you feel the same babe?

Did you discover what love is

from me?

That hurts to write as if you’re…

As if things are normal in my life.

Shit hit the fan when the anti-psychotics

Cleared my system.

Shit hit the fan when I gave you

an ultimatum and apparently cared

More about me than you

Shit hit the fan when I realized I fell

In love with you, on February 7th

I wish I could say 2022

Because it would rhyme

And I wish you were the covid love of my life

Pull an Ariana grande

And accidentally marry the guy I spent covid with.

Jesuuuuus I want to vent to your face

I want you to read all the heartbreak

I’ve faced

How am I still in the trenches

but I saw it in your face

You seem to be broken down too

I would really





Like to heal with you.




Shameless is my new girlfriend