Go Cold - How hard can it be boys do it.

do it

just take your heart off your sleeve

disconnect in an uncomfortable way

and disassociate into the sheets

they get so uncomfortable when you treat them like they treat me

like you

like girls

or like others

funny that

learning empathy in your late twenties, thirties, sixties.

for some even a degree doesn’t knock some sense into these emotionally stunted pre-teens

here’s what guys are tho



just a boy

just a man

what business do we have with them?

well we’re still here somehow, and no thanks to them

starting nuclear power plants to check dick lengths.

So I ask you again,

if you have emotional awareness

why are you giving them everything?

When they haven’t proved physical awareness, societal awareness, have no bed frame and care not to have one because they really… just don’t think that deep.

How privileged how sweet.

You don’t think about every consequence of every action, how cute how petite.

Little people pretending to be adults, a man has a bedframe but also everything (except community don’t get it twisted in our cute little brains) you crave.

A man will choose to love you and put in the work

and the work feels like making your grandma breakfast,

an artist that just


to get the paint on the canvas because they have something to say that will help themselves and their entire community.

I mean a chore but like for your favorite person so it just feels like a regular day and NOT like you expended THAT much energy.

Oh sorry chad, did I offend you again?

Sorry you haven’t found what love is, that’s not my job to entertain.

So when you see a hot man on the street try to be demi-sexual with your heart and try to look deep.

Trust no man, because you can only trust your gut and your feelings.

(Unless your feelings always turn into rage, please don’t incite violence today)

Why would a narcissist admit to being a terrible human being?

Not very smart and intellectual of them.

Maybe throw that love bomb on later when you haven’t done the dishes for four years.

So cute, so quaint.

Go cold babes.

How hard could it be?

Men do it badly, we would do it with empathy.


no harm no foul, oh you didn’t have feelings?

Great I didn’t ask, why aren’t you going down?

(on me)

Part 2

To love

to hold

to bleed

to bask

to behold

why do men believe they’ve found the love of their life in Stephanie down the street.

Honestly, I mean I get it she’s sweet, but she never liked you babes

stop pretending it’s sweet

it’s cute

it’s actually insufferable

men who use the friendzone as a real fact

are almost always unaware of society’s issues

what’s the issue babes?

There’s more of us than you any way,

ok so she’s the love of your life, I thought that in the tenth grade.

Why are men so stupidly insecure of who they hand their heart to?

Is it because it’s so hard to grieve for you?

The patriarchy doesn’t really work for men either,

but that’s not on me babes

that’s literally entirely on you.

So throw up you crosses, and get defensive against a poet on the internet but honestly most likely you’re just upset.

Someone’s knocked some sense into you and you can’t handle it.

It’s okay it’s cool,

most men can’t handle big emotions anyway

go punch something and pretend you’re not trying to look cool.

Get into boxing for the rage, gardening and poetry for the love, start up a dance career to express your joy.

Gender shmender roles, babes,

To love

to hold

to bleed

to bask

to behold

it’s all part of it.

We did what you do in your forties, in the fifth grade.

Go take a tylenol for your headache, eat a vegetable today, and write about your feelings like that doesn’t make your whole body shake.


Shameless is my new girlfriend


sappy poet War